Tuckyn connects you with the people in your community serving the meals you love.
Food used to be so simple, it was  grown naturally,  purchased locally and cooked at home.
At Tuckyn we believe that high quality  affordable,   healthy,   culturally  diverse food can be locally available for everyone.
From your nearby Italian deli to your neighbour serving home cooked food.
We are bringing the formal and informal food networks in your community together to connect you to the widest choice of tasty food available in your area.

See what your neighbours, local street food vendors and restaurants are  cooking up! 

Food choice preferences
Are you a vegetarian? Fancy Korean food? Just add your profile and your  food choice preferences.
Order and enjoy
Once you find your meal of choice, let the seller know you are interested. Then just collect your meal or await the delivery.
Taste the world!
Tuckyn reignites the family spirit in your community. Share culturally diverse, wholesome cuisine.

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